The American Medical Association’s Opioid Task Force has issued a set of recommendations on steps to improve access to care for patients with opioid use disorder.
Teens and young adults are at a high risk for opioid misuse. However, the epidemiology of opioid prescribing among this patient population is unclear. A new study investigates.
Rates of youth suicide and opioid overdose in adults have both increased over the past 15 years. To explore a possible connection between these two trends, researchers conducted a pharmacoepidemiologic...
Researchers evaluated data on more than 358,100 individuals with osteoarthritis undergoing total joint replacement to determine how geography and health care access influences long‐term opioid use.
Recent trends indicating a rise in infective endocarditis among injection drug users in the United States, Australia, and Sweden prompted researchers to investigate this potential association further.
As the opioid epidemic continues to plague the United States, non-pharmacologic interventions for pain are increasingly important. With this in mind, researchers aimed to investigate the impact of early...
Using 2013-2015 insurance claims data for more than 17,000 individuals with opioid use disorder, researchers aimed to estimate the rates of buprenorphine treatment retention for at least 180 days and to...
In a new study, researchers aimed to determine the prevalence of preoperative opioid use, as well as the factors associated with preoperative opioid use.