In part two of this two-part series, Dr Greenberg delves into unexpected findings from a new study on gene therapy for Danon disease. He emphasizes the importance of early intervention, rigorous...
In part one of this two-part series, Barry Greenberg, MD, discusses the challenges and emerging insights in understanding and treating Danon disease. Dr Greenberg also shares findings from a new study on...
When evaluating a patient for possible Danon disease, several other diagnoses should be considered. Do you think you know the similar diagnoses to Danon disease? Take the quiz to test your knowledge!
When evaluating a patient for possible Danon disease, several other diagnoses should be considered. Do you think you know the similar diagnoses to Danon disease? Take the quiz to test your knowledge!
Danon disease is a rare genetic disorder with three distinct characteristics that affect boys more severely than girls. Can you correctly identify the three main features of Danon disease? Take the quiz to...
A recent study on gene therapy for Danon disease revealed findings related to its impact on the condition’s hallmark cardiac pathology. What finding suggested the therapy could effectively target the...
In part two of this two-part series, Dr Greenberg delves into unexpected findings from a new study on gene therapy for Danon disease. He emphasizes the importance of early intervention, rigorous...
In part one of this two-part series, Barry Greenberg, MD, discusses the challenges and emerging insights in understanding and treating Danon disease. Dr Greenberg also shares findings from a new study on...