After visiting an urgent care clinic due to concerns of a sexually transmitted infection, a young gay man with a history of depression reported joint stiffness, aches, and a scattered rash over his abdomen...
In your opinion, are children, adolescents, and adults with HIV on track to meet the global targets for viral suppression of HIV? Take our poll to voice your answer!
In this Test Your Knowledge quiz series, Maile Young Karris, MD, asks you to advise a patient who is concerned about her weight gain after switching to her current antiretroviral therapy.
As the transplant waitlist continues to grow, so does the need for kidney transplants among patients with HIV and end-stage kidney disease. Do you think HIV-positive kidneys can be a solution?
Research has suggested that chronic pain in adults with HIV may be associated with psychosocial factors. Do you believe psychosocial factors play a role in your HIV patients’ chronic pain?
New technologies may play a role in reducing patients’ chronic pain symptoms. Do you think technology can increase access to and use of medications for your patients with HIV?
For some patients with HIV, opioid use is the only way to reduce their chronic pain. In your experience, what factors contribute to your patients’ chronic pain or opioid use?
How familiar are you with the recommendations on antibiotic prophylaxis discontinuation among children with HIV? Test your knowledge on the NIH’s guidelines for managing opportunistic infections in...