In part two of this two-part series, Dr Greenberg delves into unexpected findings from a new study on gene therapy for Danon disease. He emphasizes the importance of early intervention, rigorous...
In part one of this two-part series, Barry Greenberg, MD, discusses the challenges and emerging insights in understanding and treating Danon disease. Dr Greenberg also shares findings from a new study on...
A 62-year-old woman presented to a palliative care clinic for follow-up of symptom management. She reported a recent fall after unexpectedly being shocked by her implantable cardioverter-defibrillator...
A Florida Court of Appeals was asked to dismiss a case against a hospital because the hospital’s ED was operated by an independent contractor physician group, and the doctor who treated the patient was...
Can you make the diagnosis based on the case background, patient history, and a key hint? View the slideshow for five recently published Photoclinic Challenges. Each slide links to the full Photoclinic...
Danon disease is a rare genetic disorder with three distinct characteristics that affect boys more severely than girls. Can you correctly identify the three main features of Danon disease? Take the quiz to...
A comprehensive review of observational studies highlights the significant stroke risk factors among individuals living with HIV. Take the quiz to test your knowledge!
Consultant360’s Photoclinic Challenge is an interactive quiz based on an image featured in a Photoclinic article. View the slideshow for a brief overview of the case, patient history, and a key hint. For...
In part two of this two-part series, Dr Greenberg delves into unexpected findings from a new study on gene therapy for Danon disease. He emphasizes the importance of early intervention, rigorous...
In part one of this two-part series, Barry Greenberg, MD, discusses the challenges and emerging insights in understanding and treating Danon disease. Dr Greenberg also shares findings from a new study on...
In this video, Aldis H. Petriceks, BA, discusses his team's study, which set out to determine the optimal timepoints for assessing orthostatic hypotension in older adults, as well as the association between...
In this video, Anum Minhas, MD, MHS, discusses the potential cardiovascular risks of estrogens and progestins, the contraceptive recommendation for patients seeking to avoid pregnancy and have a high risk...
In this episode, Seth Martin, MD, MHS interviews Grazia Aleppo, MD, about key evidence for the benefit of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in patients with type 2 diabetes, the impact of CGM in clinical...