Sexual Dysfunction

Women With RA Have High Rate of Sexual Dysfunction

Women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are likely to experience sexual dysfunction that can impact their sexual motivation, activity, and satisfaction, according to findings from a cross-sectional study.


The sexual dysfunction is likely underestimated in daily clinical practice.


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The researchers analyzed anonymous questionnaire responses of 203 women with RA and 169 women who acted as health controls.


The Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire-short form (CSFQ-14) was the most predominantly-used questionnaire during the study. In addition to these responses, the researchers also evaluated disease activity, depression, and disability.


Overall, sexual dysfunction among women with RA was found to be “highly prevalent.”


Among women with RA, 47.8% experienced sexual dysfunction, which was defined as having a CSFQ-14 score of 41 or less. Only 14.2% of the control group experienced the dysfunction.


Participants with RA also had a lower median CSFQ-14 score than the healthy controls (42 vs 49), even after adjusting for confounders.


Sexual dysfunction was not found to be associated disability or RA disease activity.


—Colleen Murphy



Puchner RSautner JGruber J, et al. High burden of sexual dysfunction in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results of a cross-sectional study. J Rheumatol. 2019;46(1):19-26.